Our Mission and Philosophy

Our Mission

Saratoga Parent Nursery School provides a wondrous, joyful experience in a custom-built child-centered facility where young children learn through play and discovery and where parents are guided by child development professionals.  Our preschool is a place for parents to nurture and observe the development of their children in a like-minded, diverse community of growing and mutually supportive families.

Our Philosophy

SPNS provides a friendly and supportive nursery school community dedicated to a play-based, developmentally appropriate teaching program. We believe that play is essential in promoting children’s emotional, cognitive, physical and social development. At SPNS children are given opportunities for self-initiated exploration of their ever expanding world, while teachers and parents provide them with the necessary tools to enhance and find meaning from their discoveries.     

Our school is founded on the belief that children and parents learn best in a positive environment guided by experienced, professional teachers who role model interactions that allow children to learn and build confidence through discovery and that encourage parents to acquire new skills through observation and discussion.

We believe that families grow stronger when parents join in a supportive community of families with similar age children to:

  • Share joys and frustrations of parenting
  • Learn from experienced teachers
  • Discover the stages of child growth, development and behavior expectations
  • Understand and become comfortable with the child’s stage in the developmental process
  • Seek ways to support their child’s development and learning
  • Recognize and celebrate the uniqueness of each child
  • Value the importance of non-judgmental understanding
  • Observe children at work and play with other children, note teacher interactions with children and share observations with other parents and teachers

We believe that children:

  • Are natural learners
  • Benefit from connections to a community beyond family
  • Deserve to grow to their potential
  • Build confidence by taking risks and mastering challenges
  • Gain competence as they are provided time to explore the physical, cognitive, social and emotional aspects of their world
  • Develop ideas and build upon personal knowledge when exposed to opportunities designed to peak natural curiosity

We believe in approaches that:

  • Respect children as individuals
  • Encourage a cooperative atmosphere
  • Provide freedom with limits
  • Practice positive language skills and respectful communications
  • Utilize intentional teaching to support each child’s natural curiosity
  • Embrace creative play in an environment where fresh air and learning to ride a bike are as important as learning the ABC’s

What to Expect from the SPNS Experience

SPNS will help children:

  • increase their sense of self-worth
  • increase their range of experiences
  • increase their ability to communicate
  • develop physical skills appropriate to their age
  • develop sound emotional and mental health
  • develop a positive attitude toward school
  • support their trust in teachers and adults
  • increase their ability to listen and focus in a sustained way
  • develop their social skills
  • develop their ability to delay gratification
  • encourage creative expression in all forms

SPNS will help parents gain:

  • techniques for working with preschool children
  • knowledge of growth and development
  • increased objectivity about their own child
  • better insight into the feelings and thoughts of their child and acceptance of that child as he/she really is
  • skills in selecting and using materials and books for their children
  • increased awareness of the role of education and creativity in developing a healthful, effective and satisfying family life